  • Chancel Choir Church Roanoke


Welcome to Second Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, VA

Finding direction by following Jesus.

Upcoming Events

Lenten Sermon Series
Sundays, March 9–April 20

Wisdom is something to strive for. Yet, biblically, true wisdom is a gift best received with humility. Why? First, the wise are wary of certainty and know they do not have final answers. Second, deep wisdom that protects and builds a life worth living comes from the search and struggle of generations.

For the Sundays of Lent, your pastors will offer a sermon series exploring what scripture and tradition can teach us about seeking and receiving wisdom—wisdom that both keeps us grounded and helps us adapt to life’s changing circumstances. In keeping with the wisdom theme, the church will offer a series of videos featuring older, experienced members sharing insights from their life journeys. We hope you will join us for worship and look for these weekly videos during the Lenten season.

Lenten Kairos Worship Schedule

Ash Wednesday, March 5:

  • 7:30-9:30 a.m. “Ashes and Prayer To-Go,” Mountain Ave Parking Lot
  • 6:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Evening Worship, Kirk Hall

Kairos Weekly Reflections:

  • Mar 12-Apr 16 (Wednesdays): Weekly Kairos Video Reflections via YouTube and Facebook, featuring Second Presbyterian members sharing the important and spiritual gift of wisdom.

Maundy Thursday, April 17:

  • 6:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Evening Worship, Kirk Hall

“What Are They Doing Here?”
March 5, 12, 18 & 25* | 12:00 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
Luncheon April 1

Some books in the Bible are about a specific person. What makes these stories so compelling is that they often center on individuals who live on the margins—people whose lives seem insignificant in the eyes of the powerful, yet matter deeply to God. These are the stories of God’s powerful work among the powerless.

During the noon hour on select weekdays in March, The Bible in Black & White class will explore four of these narratives, seeking to understand what God sees in these individuals—and in all of us. Drs. Bill Lee and George Anderson, along with ministers from other sponsoring churches, will guide the discussion.

The Bible in Black & White
  • Wed., March 5: Ruth
    Two widowed Moabite women are a problem. It is the time of Judges and there are turf battles everywhere. With no one to protect or provide for them, Ruth and Naomi rely on and take care of each other. Why are they in the Bible?
  • Wed., March 12: Esther
    She’s an immigrant married to Ahasuerus, the Persian king. He chose to marry her for her beauty. He did not know that she was of the same race as the people his most powerful advisor sought to expel from Persia. Why is she in the Bible?
  • Tues., March 18: Daniel
    The Jews are in Exile. Daniel is one of many who have been deported to Babylon. Like many Jews in Exile, he finds a way to be useful to those in power. Sometimes, though, he gets abused because of the offense of his race and beliefs. Why is he in the Bible?
  • Tues., March 25 @ St. John’s Episcopal Church: Philemon
    The book of Philemon in the New Testament is a letter from Paul. The letter is written to Philemon and concerns his slave, Onesimus. Paul wants Philemon to accept Onesimus back and see him as a brother in Christ. So what? Why is this letter in the Bible?

*Please Note: The noon class on Tuesday, March 25 will be held at St. John’s Episcopal Church, located at 1 Mountain Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016.

Class participants are invited to join us on Tuesday, April 1 at noon in the Fellowship Hall of Second Presbyterian for a catered luncheon provided by a grant from the Presbytery of the Peaks.

Women’s Bible Study
Thursdays | 10:30-11:30 a.m. | Session Room

“From Wilderness to Glory: Lent and Easter for Everyone” by N.T. Wright

Think, pray, and reflect through the stories of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

The church has always known, intuitively even, that the best way for us to be shaped into the people God wants us to be—the people whose difference from the world around is vital to our witness—is to think and pray slowly and carefully through the stories of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. In From Wilderness to Glory, beloved author N. T. Wright encourages readers to do just that throughout the seasons of Lent and Easter.

Beginning with Ash Wednesday, these daily devotional readings for Lent offer a carefully chosen Scripture selection, and Wright’s insightful reflection that not only digs into the reading but also highlights how today’s Christians experience the gospel. Each week in our study together, we will tackle one of the stories more in depth, as we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter during the weeks of Lent.

Books are available for purchase in Elizabeth Link’s office ($15). To register for the class, contact Meredith Koliba by Feb 21.

Schedule, Spring 2025:

  • Feb. 27
  • (*March 6 – NO MEETING)
  • March 13
  • March 20
  • March 27
  • April 3
  • April 10
  • April 17

Parenting Seminar
Sunday, March 30 | 5:00-6:30 p.m. | Session Room
RSVP by Tuesday, March 25

Easter Flower Order Form
Deadline Monday, April 7

If you would like to give memorial or celebration flowers for the April 20 Easter services, please complete the online order form. The deadline for receiving orders is Monday, April 7. Questions? Contact Meredith Koliba.

Great Day of Service
Saturday, April 26 | 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

On Saturday, April 26th, the youth invite you to join them for an intergenerational mission day as we seek to serve the city! We’ve partnered with several local organizations to make a meaningful impact. The day will kick off with donuts and devotion at 8:00 a.m. before departing in our work groups. We will serve until 12:00 p.m., and participants will be dismissed directly from the agencies we are serving.

Please let us know your preferences by completing the registration form found HERE.

Trent Symposium Dinner & Program
Ft. David Zahl | Tuesday, April 29

Dinner 6:00 p.m. | Program 6:45 p.m.

Congregational Dinner | 6:00 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
Registration Required

On Tuesday, April 29 at 6:00 p.m., we will have our annual Trent Symposium Dinner. During this time, we will enjoy a meal together followed by a program offered by David Zahl titled, “The Urgency of Grace for a Worn-Out World.”

Details (Menu from Lib & Amy Catering):

  • Mixed Garden Salad with Balsamic and Ranch Dressings, Pork Tenderloin with grapes, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, and Cornbread.
  • Cost: $15 per person. $7 for children ages 5-12.
  • Register HERE by Tuesday, April 15.

*If you cannot attend dinner but still want to attend the program, please join us at 6:45 p.m. in the sanctuary.*

Program: “The Urgency of Grace for a Worn-Out World” | 6:45 p.m. | Sanctuary

Join author David Zahl as he explores the beauty and depth of God’s grace afresh, outlining how it provides deep relief from the accelerating demands that characterize so much of modern life. To do so, he’ll draw on personal stories, cultural examples, and the witness of Scripture. Just don’t forget to bring your sense of humor!

David Zahl is the founder and director of Mockingbird Ministries, editor-in-chief of the Mockingbird website (www.mbird.com), and co-host of both The Mockingcast and The Brothers Zahl podcasts. He and his family live in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he also serves on the staff of Christ Episcopal Church. Zahl is the author of Seculosity: How Career, Parenting, Technology, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and What To Do About It and Low Anthropology: The Unlikely Key to a Gracious View of Others (and Yourself). His next book, The Big Relief: The Urgency of Grace for a Worn-Out World comes out in April 2025 from Brazos Press. His writing has been featured in The Washington Post, Christianity Today, and The Guardian, among other venues.

“Deep & Wide”
Christian Education 2024-2025

“Dig deep wells, and the cattle never wander.” This old proverb speaks to the wisdom of providing water, nourishment for lean times. On the surface, it offers a wise word to farmers and herdsmen, but perhaps another meaning is about the spiritual life. A faith that has depth will nourish in times of trouble and drought. Moreover, a deep spiritual life will sustain a person through a lifetime.

At Second Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, VA, we take our call to nurture faith seriously. For this reason, we provide opportunities for education at every stage of development. To assume that Christian education is only for children is to make faith sound like a childish endeavor. Indeed, we crave deep, living water our whole lives long.

What may look like play in a children’s classroom is the introduction of a God who finds joy in each and every child in our care. The sound of feet about to break through the ceiling is the expression of love in young people’s music and voices at children’s choir. What looks like a tasty meal for teens is a holy reminder of meals shared by Jesus and his friends in the Gospels. And what seems like adults in discussion is actually friendship being forged and spiritual nourishment given for the week ahead.

With Christian education, we are digging deep wells, we are inviting you to dive into this wide, expansive living water. Jump in. Join us. Drink from this well. See the Christian Education Booklet to learn about the ways you may grow in faith through education, fellowship, and discipleship throughout the 2024-25 church school year.

Christian Education Booklet 2024-25

Second Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, VA is a vital congregation for people of all ages and circumstances seeking to know, love, and follow Christ.

Second Presbyterian Church Roanoke Welcomes You

Are you looking for ways to foster and nurture your family in an ever-changing world? Are you thinking about finding a church home? At Second Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, VA, our friendly staff and congregation strive to care for your family both spiritually and emotionally. To that end, this website is designed to ease the transition into the life of our church. Whether you decide to visit or join, we welcome you!

Meet our Pastors

Dr. George C. Anderson

Dr. George C. Anderson

Senior Pastor

Dr. George C. Anderson is the seventh Senior Pastor in the history of Second Presbyterian Church (Roanoke, VA). He began preaching at Second on February 22, 1998. Previously, he had been the Senior Minister at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS, and an Associate Minister at First Presbyterian Church in Kingsport, TN. He is a graduate of St. Andrews Presbyterian College in Laurinburg, NC, and Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. Dr. Anderson is involved in every aspect of church life with an emphasis on preaching, teaching, visiting, and staff oversight.

George and his wife, Millie, have three daughters: Paige, Rachel, and Virginia. Virginia became a new mother to daughter Emory on November 1, 2017.

The Reverend Elizabeth N.H. Link

The Reverend Elizabeth N.H. Link

Executive Pastor

The Rev. Elizabeth N.H. Link joined the staff of Second Presbyterian in August 2011. She attended Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, where she majored in history and religion: Christian education. Following graduation, she served First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach, FL, as Director of Christian education, and subsequently recognized the call to ordained ministry. In 2009, Elizabeth earned a Master of Divinity degree from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. Afterwards, she served as a Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry, at Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN.

Elizabeth is married to Chris Link, and the two welcomed their first child, Eleanor, in the spring of 2018.

The Reverend Benjamin S. Brannan

The Reverend Benjamin S. Brannan

Associate Pastor for Youth and Young Adults

The Rev. Ben Brannan joined the staff of Second Presbyterian as the Associate Pastor for Youth & Young Adults in March 2021 following a two-year pastoral residency at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Ben has a long tenure in youth development, spending six years as Assistant Camp Director at YMCA Camp Cherokee, coaching high school and club soccer for nine years, even spending three years as a part-time substitute teacher. Following a career change, he felt God’s call to pursue theological education and earned a Master of Divinity degree from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. While in school, Ben served as Youth Minister and Pastoral Intern at Second Presbyterian in Richmond. He brings joy, creativity, and deep faith to all he does.

Ben is dad to his son, Camden, and his dog, Sevy.