Second Presbyterian is on AmazonSmile!
Second Presbyterian Church is now registered with AmazonSmile! The AmazonSmile program allows you to shop on Amazon all while helping support charitable organizations like Second Presbyterian as you shop. With Second Presbyterian Church selected as your charity of choice, the AmazonSmile foundation will donate the equivalent of 0.5% of your purchase price when you check out on
How to register with AmazonSmile
Registering is easy. Click the button above or go to: where you will designate Second Presbyterian Church (Roanoke, VA) as your charity. Click “start shopping” and you will be prompted to sign in. Once you complete your order, Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to Second Presbyterian with no fees, and no extra cost. Future shopping can be initiated by going straight to and logging in. This will be your new way to access Amazon shopping in order for Second Presbyterian to be supported.
We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity with all your future orders from AmazonSmile!
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