Full: DR Bibles & Bricks Youth Mission Trip

July 13, 2022 | Written by Christina Croteau.
Pictured is Tyler Cox (our guesthouse host) and the VERY full pantry. This post is a thank you—from your 2PC Youth Mission Team and from Solid Rock International. Thank you to all who donated food and supplies to stock the guesthouse as groups are welcomed in and cared for throughout their mission stay.
Tyler was overwhelmed with your generosity, as suitcase upon suitcase was emptied. What is not pictured is a second pantry also overflowing with Ziplock baggies of various sizes and other non perishable items. The hospitality of the SRI team is really unmatched. They welcomed us, cared for us, and truly partnered with us as we seek to serve in word and deed.
Since arriving we have been treated to hospitality including fresh cooked meals. We experienced a traditional Dominican dinner with “Mongu Monday.” We also enjoyed Taco Tuesday and an amazing French toast casserole. Everything has been delicious and has kept us ready to serve. Much like the pantry, we have been filled throughout this week, both physically and spiritually. When asked, “What have you been filled with this week?” some of the youth replied joy, love, peace, gratitude, humility, and appreciation.
We are so grateful to experience new foods and share fellowship with new friends and deepen relationships with those on our team. May the nourishment received fill us to the brim and overflow, as only God’s love can.