

Music at Second Presbyterian

Sacred Music is an important part of worship at Second Presbyterian Church. With excellent guidance, the church’s choirs, soloists and instrumentalists of all ages offer anthems and special music, lead congregational singing, and offer support of liturgy.

The Chancel Choir sings at the 11:00 o’clock service (except during the summer), and the other choirs, soloists and instrumentalists assist in worship at both services throughout the year. Performers from the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra are frequently featured.

Christmas, Easter and Commitment Sunday services traditionally highlight a major work offered by the Chancel Choir with a brass ensemble and/or other instruments. Occasionally, the choir will offer a “Composer Project” featuring the work of a major composer such as Bach and Handel.

The church has two pipe organs: a 58-rank Goulding and Wood, Opus 43 (2005) in the sanctuary and a five-rank Moeller (1985) in the chapel. Second Presbyterian Church was one of the first congregations to acquire the Glory to God hymnal that is used in worship.

Choirs and Instrumental Groups

If you would like to be a part of any choir or instrumental group at Second Presbyterian Church, please let us now. You can contact one of the music directors or simply notify the church office which will pass on your request for information (info@spres.org, 540-343-3659).

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is comprised of adult singers, college-aged and older. The groups sings an impressive variety of a cappella and accompanied literature with selections familiar in the classical tradition, present-day composers, and offerings from other sacred traditions. The choir normally sings during the 11:00 a.m. worship service except for special occasions (Christmas, Easter, Commitment Sunday).
The Chancel Choir offers a college scholarship stipend for strong singers who are also good musicians. These students are selected based on audition and are required to attend Sunday morning choir rehearsals (9:45 a.m.), 11:00 a.m. worship, and provide solos for the 8:45 a.m. service when necessary. Representative schools include Roanoke College, Hollins University, and Radford University.

Director: Jeff Sandborg
Rehearsal Time: Sundays, 9:45 a.m. (September-May)

Handbell Choir

Second Presbyterian’s Handbell Choir has a designated rehearsal space that is used for rehearsals on Sunday mornings. The handbells were made by the White Chapel company and consist of 3 octaves.

Director: Beth Vaught-Jenkins
Rehearsal Time: Sundays, 10:00 a.m.

Kairos Music

Singers and instrumentalists lead worship for the innovative Kairos worship service which explores different traditions and styles of worship. The Kairos service is held in Kirk Hall from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays during Lent. Musicians who play any useable instrument, both acoustic and electric, are welcome. Vocalists are needed for solos, duets and ensemble offerings.

Music for Children and Youth

The music program for youth and children is not only a means for all ages to lead worship. But also an extension of Christian education. Music skills are developed, the purpose and meaning of worship is communicated, and a music means is provided for exploring and expressing personal faith.

Children’s Choir
As part of the Sunday Night Kids’ Fellowship, the Music Experience (formally known as Choir) will gather upstairs in the Children’s Choir Suite in two separate groups at two separate times—divided by age. Music will focus on FUN using voices, instruments, and movement while preparing a Christmas Pageant to be presented in December and special music for a Sunday worship service in the spring.

Children’s Choir Director: Alison Conte
Rehearsal Time: Sundays during Kids’ Fellowship, 5-6:30 p.m. (September-May)